Sweating with Eczema: How to Exercise without Irritation

When we're hot and sweaty, moisture evaporates and cools us. As the sweat evaporates, the skin becomes dry and is left with a salty residue that can irritate the skin with eczema and cause itching. The challenge of enjoying exercise without worsening eczema can be a delicate balancing act. How do you avoid overheating, irritation and breakouts when you're just trying to sweat? Bard says that choosing a physical sunscreen (sometimes called a mineral sunscreen) over a chemical one is the best option for people with eczema.

According to Piedmont Healthcare, physical sunscreens are also more moisturizing. Look for the words “physical” or “mineral” on the bottle and ingredients such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. The salt and acidity of perspiration can dry out the skin and make it itchy. You can take steps to minimize it. If you have eczema, it's important to regulate your body temperature to avoid flare-ups.

When you exercise, your body sweats to cool down, and the rise in temperature can lead to irritation and overheating. While perspiration helps you cool down, sweat itself can cause itchy skin. This is because you lose fluids through exercise, which dries out already dry skin. Sweat contains sodium, urea and lactate, which can further dry out the skin, according to the National Eczema Association. The outer layer is the epidermis.

The dermis contains blood vessels, nerve endings, hair roots, and sweat glands. With eczema, the skin becomes inflamed. Inflammatory cells of the immune system invade the epidermis. They irritate and destroy some of the tissues there. It is also known as atopic dermatitis. For infants, children, and even adults, it can be difficult to tell if it is a heat rash or eczema.

If you're diagnosed with atopic eczema, a family doctor will work with you to try to identify triggers for your symptoms. People with atopic eczema often have very dry skin because their skin cannot retain much moisture. These influencers are trying to make life with eczema less isolated by sharing their stories and building a supportive community online. Research has shown that children who have one or both parents with atopic eczema, or who have other siblings with eczema, are more likely to develop it themselves. Sometimes exercise can be a real obstacle for those who have eczema, and it can be frustrating to want to get involved in something that could damage the skin.

If your eczema develops in adulthood, consider scheduling an appointment with a healthcare professional to have it checked. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, avoiding foods that cause an allergic reaction rarely stops an outbreak of eczema. In case there is no shower in sight, carry a spray bottle full of water with you and use it to rinse immediately afterwards, according to the National Eczema Association. Given its popularity, let's look at some practical considerations to eliminate the worry of swimming for people with eczema. Eczema, on the other hand, is a long-term chronic condition that requires ongoing treatment and management of symptoms.

It can also be harder for a parent who isn't sure if their child has eczema or just a heat rash. In addition, studies have found that sweat in people with eczema has lower antimicrobial properties, making them more prone to infections of To help prevent skin from being irritated by the combination of eczema and sweat, hydrate before, during and after exercise. Exercising with eczema doesn't have to be an impossible task! With some simple precautions like wearing physical sunscreen and carrying water spray bottles for rinsing off after sweating, you can enjoy physical activity without worrying about irritating your skin further. It's important to remember that everyone's experience with eczema is different - what works for one person may not work for another - so it's important to talk to your doctor about what works best for you.

Riya Hutchings
Riya Hutchings

On a quest to combat Contact Dermatitis!