Understanding the Difference Between Eczema and Psoriasis

Eczema and psoriasis are two different skin diseases that may require different treatment plans. Although they look similar, they are fundamentally different. Eczema is a general term to describe a group of skin conditions that cause redness and inflammation, affecting nearly 30 million Americans. Psoriasis is an inherited, ongoing skin condition that causes skin irritation and inflammation.

It is more common for children to develop eczema, but adults can develop it even if they never had it as children. Understanding the differences between psoriasis and eczema can help you properly recognize and treat your condition. The treatment of eczema depends on the severity of it. In mild to moderate cases, you'll use a topical corticosteroid to control inflammation and use an emollient on your skin.

This type of moisturizer has an oil or cream base, not a water base, such as a lotion, that could make the skin more dry. Although there is no cure for psoriasis, its symptoms can be managed with the right treatment. Treatment of psoriasis will likely involve a combination of medications, natural remedies, phototherapy, and lifestyle changes. Topical medications are one of the most common ways to treat psoriasis.

Retinoids such as tazorac, corticosteroid creams such as Sernivo and Triderm, vitamin D analogues and calcineurin inhibitors can be applied in a thin layer to affected areas to help slow skin growth and reduce inflammation. Natural remedies such as aloe extract cream and coal tar can also be applied topically to help with psoriasis. Usually, dermatologists begin treatment by prescribing topical corticosteroid creams. If these are not enough, many doctors will prescribe a phototherapy treatment. In eczema, itching can be severe. Slow the rapid growth of skin cells: treatment for eczema and psoriasis depends on the type and severity.

Mild cases of psoriasis and eczema can be managed with lifestyle changes and over-the-counter medications and creams. A low-strength steroid cream called hydrocortisone is available without a prescription and may help improve some symptoms of psoriasis and eczema. Eczema treatment plans often include medicines, light therapy, natural remedies, and lifestyle changes. Light therapy with natural sunlight or ultraviolet light can also help treat eczema, and many people can calm an eczema outbreak with natural remedies such as warm baths or coconut oil. Eczema is linked to inflammation in the body, so eating an anti-inflammatory diet can help reduce symptoms. If eczema is severe and does not respond to home treatments, a doctor may prescribe medicated creams and ointments to reduce symptoms and their occurrence. Children who have psoriasis tend to have mild itching.

It may be helpful to visit a dermatology clinic to determine the exact type of eczema you have and find out what can trigger it.

Riya Hutchings
Riya Hutchings

On a quest to combat Contact Dermatitis!