How to Quickly Get Rid of Eczema

Eczema is an uncomfortable condition that can cause a lot of distress and limit your ability to work or sleep. But there are many treatments available to relieve your symptoms. From anti-itch creams to mild soaps, folk remedies, and dietary changes, there are a variety of ways to manage eczema. The easiest and most effective treatment is to make changes to prevent or eliminate what is causing the allergic reaction.

Change your laundry detergent or fabric softener to liquid detergents, which may be less irritating than powders or tablets. Use an additional rinse cycle when washing to remove residue. Dermatologist John Anthony, MD, suggests applying cold-pressed virgin coconut oil directly to the skin after bathing and up to several times a day. Coconut oil contains beneficial fatty acids that can add moisture to the skin, which can help people with dry skin and eczema.

Kim says patients with eczema should use topical steroids as soon as symptoms of inflammation begin to appear. This will prevent the inflammation from getting worse over time and becoming harder to control. Colloidal oats are found in a variety of baths and body lotions and can help calm the inflammation that is common in eczema. Apple cider vinegar may have some antibacterial properties, although there is not enough data to suggest that it is useful for eczema. If you're wary of a bleach bath, consider adding vinegar to your bathroom instead. In some cases, a general practitioner may prescribe medicated bandages, clothing, or wet wraps to be worn on eczema-affected areas of skin.

Many people with eczema also find that switching to a milder, fragrance-free, or colorless laundry detergent can help improve symptoms. Are there home treatments for eczema that can help soothe your unhappy skin? Some people may find that complementary therapies, such as herbal remedies, are helpful in treating eczema, but there is little evidence to show that these remedies are effective. But several natural treatments for eczema have been shown to be helpful for some people, including infants, children, and adults. No research has confirmed that apple cider vinegar reduces the symptoms of eczema, but it may have antibacterial properties that can help. Coconut oil is popular for everything from cleaning teeth to conditioning hair. Is it a good moisturizer for eczema-prone skin? It's possible.

There is no data to show that coconut oil is better than other mild moisturizers. If you try it, choose raw coconut oil to which no other ingredients have been added. Treatments for atopic eczema may help relieve symptoms. There is no cure, but many children find that their symptoms naturally improve as they grow older. A combination of self-care and the natural remedies above may be all you need to manage mild to moderate cases of eczema.

Taking an oral medicine for allergy or itching can also help quickly remove eczema. Choose mild soaps without dyes or perfumes. If you are breast-feeding a baby with atopic eczema, consult a doctor before making any changes to your regular diet. According to the National Eczema Association, the antibacterial abilities of coconut oil can reduce staph bacteria on the skin, which helps prevent infections.

Riya Hutchings
Riya Hutchings

On a quest to combat Contact Dermatitis!